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My name is Jerry Foster. I’m an industrial designer who specializes in merchandising design and product development. Have a look around. If you need creative help on a project, I’d be delighted to hear from you.

More Adventures in VR Sketching

More Adventures in VR Sketching

I decided to try doing a rough sketch of a simple sports car in Gravity Sketch using the Oculus Rift S. The results are below. The line drawing part is particularly fun, because it feels all the world like doing a tape drawing in three dimensions. The process also feels a lot like clay modeling in the sense that you can really see how every line adjustment affects the entire form from every angle. It’s been many years since I sketched a car of any kind, so I’m pretty rusty, but doing this made me feel very nostalgic about my days in the transportation design program at CCS in Detroit. Seems like yesterday sometimes. I learned a lot more about how the software works in attempting this sketch. Much more refined forms are possible with this software if you put in the time. I’m looking forward to learning more and getting better at it!

Ideation Sketches for a Boot Glorifier

Ideation Sketches for a Boot Glorifier

Sketching in VR.  The Future is Now.

Sketching in VR. The Future is Now.