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My name is Jerry Foster. I’m an industrial designer who specializes in merchandising design and product development. Have a look around. If you need creative help on a project, I’d be delighted to hear from you.

Lighting up Brand Awareness

Lighting up Brand Awareness

I'm not familiar with what goes on in clubs these days, but this project educated me about the fact that it is now apparently commonplace for the waitstaff to parade bottles of booze around the clubs like servants carrying their exalted king through the streets of an ancient city, except with the accompaniment of deafening music and LED lighting. Hey, who am I to judge? In any event, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to design the modern late-stage capitalist version of the ancient royal sedan chair and incorporate a blinding amount of lighting so that modern club goers could have their retinas damaged in equal measure to their ears and livers. Ah, youth is wasted on the young. What do you think?

Getting Really High Sales In-Store

Getting Really High Sales In-Store

Revolutionizing Retail Displays: A 2021 Success Story

Revolutionizing Retail Displays: A 2021 Success Story