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My name is Jerry Foster. I’m an industrial designer who specializes in merchandising design and product development. Have a look around. If you need creative help on a project, I’d be delighted to hear from you.

Designing a Trade Show Exhibit That Lasts

Designing a Trade Show Exhibit That Lasts

I don’t typically design trade show booths, but I was very excited at the chance to design this one for a client several years ago. Since they were just getting their feet wet at the time as a trade show exhibitor, they wanted a design that could expand and contract to fit different venues. To maximize efficiency, I created a modular design that would allow them to showcase both their various products on the same basic structure. It made sense to construct these modules so that it would be easy to update their surface treatments so they could be rearranged and re-skinned to create an entirely new look for a minimal investment. The images below represent some of the ideation, 3D models, photos of the eventual completed booth, and a virtual look at future possibilities. Detail sketch by Reed Crawford.

Not Your Father's Conference Table

Not Your Father's Conference Table

Skeleton Chair Concept

Skeleton Chair Concept